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Source Code


File information

lazenca0x0@ubuntu:~/CTF/DEFCON2016/baby's/baby-re$ file baby-re 
baby-re: ELF 64-bit LSB  executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=5d5783d23d78bf70b80d658bccbce365f7448693, not stripped
lazenca0x0@ubuntu:~/CTF/DEFCON2016/baby's/baby-re$ checksec --file baby-re 
RELRO           STACK CANARY      NX            PIE             RPATH      RUNPATH	FORTIFY	Fortified Fortifiable  FILE
Partial RELRO   Canary found      NX enabled    No PIE          No RPATH   No RUNPATH   Yes	0		2	baby-re

Binary analysis


int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  int result; // eax@4
  __int64 v4; // rbx@4
  unsigned int v5[13]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h]@1
  __int64 v6; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]@1

  v6 = *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL);
  printf("Var[0]: ", argv, envp);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", v5);
  printf("Var[1]: ", v5);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[1]);
  printf("Var[2]: ", &v5[1]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[2]);
  printf("Var[3]: ", &v5[2]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[3]);
  printf("Var[4]: ", &v5[3]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[4]);
  printf("Var[5]: ", &v5[4]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[5]);
  printf("Var[6]: ", &v5[5]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[6]);
  printf("Var[7]: ", &v5[6]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[7]);
  printf("Var[8]: ", &v5[7]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[8]);
  printf("Var[9]: ", &v5[8]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[9]);
  printf("Var[10]: ", &v5[9]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[10]);
  printf("Var[11]: ", &v5[10]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[11]);
  printf("Var[12]: ", &v5[11]);
  __isoc99_scanf("%d", &v5[12]);
  if ( (unsigned __int8)CheckSolution(v5) )
      "The flag is: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n", v5[0], v5[1], v5[2], v5[3], v5[4], v5[5], v5[6],	v5[7], v5[8], v5[9], v5[10], v5[11], v5[12]);
  result = 0;
  v4 = *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL) ^ v6;
  return result;


__int64 __fastcall CheckSolution(_DWORD *a1)
  __int64 result; // rax@2
  __int64 v2; // rsi@26

  if ( 39342 * a1[11]
     + 21090 * a1[10]
     + 14626 * a1[9]
     + 57693 * a1[8]
     + 16388 * a1[7]
     + 29554 * a1[6]
     + 43166 * a1[5]
     + 50633 * a1[4]
     + 37485 * *a1
     - 21621 * a1[1]
     - 1874 * a1[2]
     - 46273 * a1[3]
     + 54757 * a1[12] == 21399379 )
    if ( 22599 * a1[5]
       + 14794 * a1[4]
       + 38962 * a1[3]
       + 50936 * *a1
       + 4809 * a1[1]
       - 6019 * a1[2]
       - 837 * a1[6]
       - 36727 * a1[7]
       - 50592 * a1[8]
       - 11829 * a1[9]
       - 20046 * a1[10]
       - 9256 * a1[11]
       + 53228 * a1[12] == 1453872 )
      if ( 5371 * a1[11]
         + 42654 * a1[10]
         + 17702 * a1[8]
         + 26907 * a1[3]
         + -38730 * *a1
         + 52943 * a1[1]
         - 16882 * a1[2]
         - 44446 * a1[4]
         - 18601 * a1[5]
         - 65221 * a1[6]
         - 47543 * a1[7]
         - 33910 * a1[9]
         + 11469 * a1[12] == -5074020 )
        if ( 8621 * a1[10]
           + 34805 * a1[7]
           + 10649 * a1[6]
           + 54317 * a1[4]
           + 57747 * *a1
           - 23889 * a1[1]
           - 26016 * a1[2]
           - 25170 * a1[3]
           - 32337 * a1[5]
           - 9171 * a1[8]
           - 22855 * a1[9]
           - 634 * a1[11]
           - 11864 * a1[12] == -5467933 )
          if ( 15578 * a1[11]
             + 43186 * a1[9]
             + 28134 * a1[8]
             + 54889 * a1[4]
             + 34670 * a1[3]
             + 43964 * a1[2]
             + -14005 * *a1
             + 16323 * a1[1]
             - 6141 * a1[5]
             - 35427 * a1[6]
             - 61977 * a1[7]
             - 59676 * a1[10]
             + 50082 * a1[12] == 7787144 )
            if ( 10305 * a1[11]
               + 29341 * a1[10]
               + 13602 * a1[7]
               + 39603 * a1[6]
               + 13608 * a1[2]
               + -40760 * *a1
               - 22014 * a1[1]
               - 4946 * a1[3]
               - 26750 * a1[4]
               - 31708 * a1[5]
               - 59055 * a1[8]
               - 32738 * a1[9]
               - 15650 * a1[12] == -8863847 )
              if ( 16047 * a1[9]
                 + 55241 * a1[7]
                 + 13477 * a1[2]
                 + -47499 * *a1
                 + 57856 * a1[1]
                 - 10219 * a1[3]
                 - 5032 * a1[4]
                 - 21039 * a1[5]
                 - 29607 * a1[6]
                 - 6065 * a1[8]
                 - 4554 * a1[10]
                 - 2262 * a1[11]
                 + 18903 * a1[12] == -747805 )
                if ( 41178 * a1[11]
                   + 47909 * a1[7]
                   + 53309 * a1[6]
                   + -65419 * *a1
                   + 17175 * a1[1]
                   - 9410 * a1[2]
                   - 22514 * a1[3]
                   - 52377 * a1[4]
                   - 9235 * a1[5]
                   - 59111 * a1[8]
                   - 41289 * a1[9]
                   - 24422 * a1[10]
                   - 23447 * a1[12] == -11379056 )
                  if ( 15699 * a1[10]
                     + 58551 * a1[5]
                     + 46767 * a1[4]
                     + 33381 * a1[3]
                     + 1805 * *a1
                     + 4135 * a1[1]
                     - 16900 * a1[2]
                     - 34118 * a1[6]
                     - 44920 * a1[7]
                     - 11933 * a1[8]
                     - 20530 * a1[9]
                     - 36597 * a1[11]
                     + 18231 * a1[12] == -166140 )
                    if ( 10788 * a1[10]
                       + 18975 * a1[9]
                       + 15033 * a1[8]
                       + 42363 * a1[7]
                       + 47052 * a1[6]
                       + 41284 * a1[3]
                       + -42941 * *a1
                       + 61056 * a1[1]
                       - 45169 * a1[2]
                       - 1722 * a1[4]
                       - 26423 * a1[5]
                       - 33319 * a1[11]
                       + 63680 * a1[12] == 9010363 )
                      if ( 30753 * a1[10]
                         + 22613 * a1[9]
                         + 58786 * a1[7]
                         + 12587 * a1[6]
                         + 12746 * a1[5]
                         + -37085 * *a1
                         - 51590 * a1[1]
                         - 17798 * a1[2]
                         - 10127 * a1[3]
                         - 52388 * a1[4]
                         - 8269 * a1[8]
                         - 20853 * a1[11]
                         + 32216 * a1[12] == -4169825 )
                        if ( 57612 * a1[11]
                           + 47348 * a1[9]
                           + 48719 * a1[8]
                           + 9228 * a1[5]
                           + 65196 * a1[4]
                           + 36650 * *a1
                           + 47566 * a1[1]
                           - 33282 * a1[2]
                           - 59180 * a1[3]
                           - 59599 * a1[6]
                           - 62888 * a1[7]
                           - 37592 * a1[10]
                           + 40510 * a1[12] == 4081505 )
                          result = 25633 * a1[11]
                                 + 25252 * a1[9]
                                 + 28153 * a1[8]
                                 + 26517 * a1[7]
                                 + 59511 * a1[4]
                                 + 4102 * a1[3]
                                 + 51735 * *a1
                                 + 35879 * a1[1]
                                 - 63890 * a1[2]
                                 - 21386 * a1[5]
                                 - 20769 * a1[6]
                                 - 43789 * a1[10]
                                 + 7314 * a1[12] == 1788229;
                          result = 0LL;
                        result = 0LL;
                      result = 0LL;
                    result = 0LL;
                  result = 0LL;
                result = 0LL;
              result = 0LL;
            result = 0LL;
          result = 0LL;
        result = 0LL;
      result = 0LL;
    result = 0LL;
  v2 = *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL) ^ *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL);
  return result;

structure of Exploit code

  1. Input 13 values satisfying "==" operation.
    1. Find 13 values using the simultaneous linear equations.

Information for attack

Find 13 values satisfying "==" operation("z3" Module(Python))

$ git clone https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.git
$ cd z3
$ python scripts/mk_make.py
$ cd build
$ make
$ sudo make install


from z3 import *

x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
solve(x > 2, y < 10, x + 2*y == 7)
lazenca0x0@ubuntu:~/CTF/DEFCON2016/baby's/baby-re$ python test2.py 
[y = 0, x = 7]


from z3 import *
a1 = [Int("a1[%d]"%(i)) for i in range(0,13)]
s = Solver()
s.add(39342 * a1[11]
     + 21090 * a1[10]
     + 14626 * a1[9]
     + 57693 * a1[8]
     + 16388 * a1[7]
     + 29554 * a1[6]
     + 43166 * a1[5]
     + 50633 * a1[4]
     + 37485 * a1[0]
     - 21621 * a1[1]
     - 1874 * a1[2]
     - 46273 * a1[3]
     + 54757 * a1[12] == 21399379)
s.add(22599 * a1[5]
     + 14794 * a1[4]
     + 38962 * a1[3]
     + 50936 * a1[0]
     + 4809 * a1[1]
     - 6019 * a1[2]
     - 837 * a1[6]
     - 36727 * a1[7]
     - 50592 * a1[8]
     - 11829 * a1[9]
     - 20046 * a1[10]
     - 9256 * a1[11]
     + 53228 * a1[12] == 1453872)
s.add(5371 * a1[11]
     + 42654 * a1[10]
     + 17702 * a1[8]
     + 26907 * a1[3]
     + -38730 * a1[0]
     + 52943 * a1[1]
     - 16882 * a1[2]
     - 44446 * a1[4]
     - 18601 * a1[5]
     - 65221 * a1[6]
     - 47543 * a1[7]
     - 33910 * a1[9]
     + 11469 * a1[12] == -5074020)
s.add(8621 * a1[10]
     + 34805 * a1[7]
     + 10649 * a1[6]
     + 54317 * a1[4]
     + 57747 * a1[0]
     - 23889 * a1[1]
     - 26016 * a1[2]
     - 25170 * a1[3]
     - 32337 * a1[5]
     - 9171 * a1[8]
     - 22855 * a1[9]
     - 634 * a1[11]
     - 11864 * a1[12] == -5467933)
s.add(15578 * a1[11]
       + 43186 * a1[9]
       + 28134 * a1[8]
       + 54889 * a1[4]
       + 34670 * a1[3]
       + 43964 * a1[2]
       + -14005 * a1[0]
       + 16323 * a1[1]
       - 6141 * a1[5]
       - 35427 * a1[6]
       - 61977 * a1[7]
       - 59676 * a1[10]
       + 50082 * a1[12] == 7787144)
s.add(10305 * a1[11]
       + 29341 * a1[10]
       + 13602 * a1[7]
       + 39603 * a1[6]
       + 13608 * a1[2]
       + -40760 * a1[0]
       - 22014 * a1[1]
       - 4946 * a1[3]
       - 26750 * a1[4]
       - 31708 * a1[5]
       - 59055 * a1[8]
       - 32738 * a1[9]
       - 15650 * a1[12] == -8863847)
s.add(16047 * a1[9]
       + 55241 * a1[7]
       + 13477 * a1[2]
       + -47499 * a1[0]
       + 57856 * a1[1]
       - 10219 * a1[3]
       - 5032 * a1[4]
       - 21039 * a1[5]
       - 29607 * a1[6]
       - 6065 * a1[8]
       - 4554 * a1[10]
       - 2262 * a1[11]
       + 18903 * a1[12] == -747805 )
s.add(41178 * a1[11]
       + 47909 * a1[7]
       + 53309 * a1[6]
       + -65419 * a1[0]
       + 17175 * a1[1]
       - 9410 * a1[2]
       - 22514 * a1[3]
       - 52377 * a1[4]
       - 9235 * a1[5]
       - 59111 * a1[8]
       - 41289 * a1[9]
       - 24422 * a1[10]
       - 23447 * a1[12] == -11379056)
s.add(15699 * a1[10]
	  + 58551 * a1[5]
      + 46767 * a1[4]
      + 33381 * a1[3]
      + 1805 * a1[0]
      + 4135 * a1[1]
      - 16900 * a1[2]
      - 34118 * a1[6]
      - 44920 * a1[7]
      - 11933 * a1[8]
      - 20530 * a1[9]
      - 36597 * a1[11]
      + 18231 * a1[12] == -166140)
s.add(10788 * a1[10]
       + 18975 * a1[9]
       + 15033 * a1[8]
       + 42363 * a1[7]
       + 47052 * a1[6]
       + 41284 * a1[3]
       + -42941 * a1[0]
       + 61056 * a1[1]
       - 45169 * a1[2]
       - 1722 * a1[4]
       - 26423 * a1[5]
       - 33319 * a1[11]
       + 63680 * a1[12] == 9010363)
s.add(30753 * a1[10]
	+ 22613 * a1[9]
    + 58786 * a1[7]
    + 12587 * a1[6]
    + 12746 * a1[5]
    + -37085 * a1[0]
    - 51590 * a1[1]
    - 17798 * a1[2]
    - 10127 * a1[3]
    - 52388 * a1[4]
    - 8269 * a1[8]
    - 20853 * a1[11]
    + 32216 * a1[12] == -4169825)
s.add(57612 * a1[11]
    + 47348 * a1[9]
    + 48719 * a1[8]
    + 9228 * a1[5]
    + 65196 * a1[4]
    + 36650 * a1[0]
    + 47566 * a1[1]
    - 33282 * a1[2]
    - 59180 * a1[3]
    - 59599 * a1[6]
    - 62888 * a1[7]
	- 37592 * a1[10]
	+ 40510 * a1[12] == 4081505)
s.add(25633 * a1[11]
	+ 25252 * a1[9]
    + 28153 * a1[8]
    + 26517 * a1[7]
	+ 59511 * a1[4]
	+ 4102 * a1[3]
    + 51735 * a1[0]
    + 35879 * a1[1]
    - 63890 * a1[2]
    - 21386 * a1[5]
    - 20769 * a1[6]
    - 43789 * a1[10]
    + 7314 * a1[12] == 1788229)
print s.check()
m = s.model()
for d in m.decls():
  print "%s = %s" %(d.name(),m[d])
lazenca0x0@ubuntu:~/CTF/DEFCON2016/baby's/baby-re$ python test.py
a1[3] = 104
a1[7] = 32
a1[9] = 97
a1[6] = 115
a1[0] = 77
a1[10] = 114
a1[12] = 33
a1[11] = 100
a1[8] = 104
a1[1] = 97
a1[4] = 32
a1[5] = 105
a1[2] = 116

Find 13 values satisfying "==" operation(angr).

#!/usr/bin/env python2

Author: David Manouchehri <manouchehri@protonmail.com>
DEFCON CTF Qualifier 2016
Challenge: baby-re
Team: hack.carleton
Write-up: http://hack.carleton.team/2016/05/21/defcon-ctf-qualifier-2016-baby-re/
Runtime: ~8 minutes (single threaded E5-2650L v3 @ 1.80GHz on DigitalOcean)

DigitalOcean is horrible for single threaded applications, I would highly suggest using something else.
import angr

def main():
	proj = angr.Project('./baby-re',  load_options={'auto_load_libs': False})
	path_group = proj.factory.path_group(threads=4) # Doesn't really help to have more threads, but whatever.
	path_group.explore(find=0x40294b, avoid=0x402941) 
	return path_group.found[0].state.posix.dumps(1) # The flag is at the end.

def test():
	assert 'Math is hard!' in main()

if __name__ == '__main__':

$ mkvirtualenv angr
New python executable in angr/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
(angr)$ python test3.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:13,869 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:15,772 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:18,286 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:22,451 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:28,217 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:36,537 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:37:49,255 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:38:06,851 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:38:28,900 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:38:57,506 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:39:29,892 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:40:20,124 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
WARNING | 2016-08-08 00:41:10,223 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing.
'Var[0]: Var[1]: Var[2]: Var[3]: Var[4]: Var[5]: Var[6]: Var[7]: Var[8]: Var[9]: Var[10]: Var[11]: Var[12]: The flag is: Math is hard!\n'

Exploit Code

from pwn import *

p = process("./baby-re")

def CharInput(ch):


print p.recvuntil("The flag is:") + p.recv()



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