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Game Security Guide - Memory cheat

  • 아래 가이드 방안을 적용하여도 부정 행위는 발생 할 수 있습니다.

Anti debugging


int result = ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME,0,0,0);

if(result != 0){

Memory Cheat tool

Game Code


static int value1= 0,value2 = 0, value3 = 0,total = 0;

int Util::DivisionValue(int value){
    value3 = value1;
    value1 = getRandomNumber(0 ,value1 + value2 + value);
    value2 = value3 + value2 + value - value1; 
    return value1 + value2;

int Util::getRandomNumber(int from, int to){
    return (int)from + arc4random() % (to-from+1);


int Util::XOREncrypt(int value){
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
    salt = rand()%10;
    encode = value^salt;

    return encode;
int Util::XORDecrypt(int encode){
    return encode^salt;

Memory realloc Sample

Int *score = new int;
Delete score;

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